We have developed an app for CSO/Diabetes for use by patients, home care nurses and other diabetes health care professionals.

The app can be accessed on a computer, smartphone or tablet from anywhere in the world.

It is a well-designed and user-friendly program that gives patients a simple overview of their current diabetes therapy, and also includes the option to report their values, send messages to and from the clinic in an encrypted environment, make print-outs, for example of insulin pump certificates, and much more.

Many diabetes clinics have patients who want access to their own data, and demand for a specially designed app has increased among both clinics and patients. With CSO/Diabetes and the new app, diabetes outpatient clinics have everything they need in one program to handle this type of telemedicine care. The patient interface can be combined with a new approach to managing research projects, thus making it possible to initiate telemedicine research projects without the need for additional custom development.

Contact IntraMed A/S (sales@intramed.dk or tel. +45 7022 6260) today to learn more about using CSO/Diabetes with the associated patient app.