

Fully structured journal system for diabetes patient care

CSO/Diabetes is also called DiabetesRask.

With CSO/Diabetes, you can gain unique insights into the course of treatment for every single patient as well as into the overall quality of care for the entire clinic. It also minimizes time spent on compulsory data reporting to clinical registries, such as the Danish Adult Diabetes Database (DVDD) and the Danish Registry of Diabetic Retinopathy (DiaBase).

The CSO/Diabetes system covers all your needs for registration and follow-up in diabetes care. A simpler version of the system is also available, primarily covering registration and data reporting to DVDD.

CSO/Diabetes can be integrated with other health IT systems, such as FMK, EPJ, Lab and PAS, and can therefore be implemented as a natural part of the clinic’s routines.

CSO/Diabetes allows patients to log in from home. Patients can see their updated information in CSO Online, or submit their glucose, weight and blood pressure values. The patient interface also includes a messaging function for secure communication with the clinic. The system can be accessed from a PC, tablet or smartphone.

The following is a comparison of the full CSO/Diabetes journal and the simpler Danish Clinical Registries (RKKP) version.


Complete diabetes journal

This is the most commonly used setup, in which all relevant information about the diabetes patient’s course of treatment is registered. Regularly registering this information builds up a large clinical database of the clinic’s patients.

The advantage of the complete diabetes journal is that all of the patient’s diabetes data is gather in one place. This provides a fast overview of therapies, treatment goals and the patient’s history, as well the option to give the patient a print-out describing their most recent consultation, including test results and medication information. This provides a fast overview of therapies, treatment goals and the patient’s history, as well the option to give the patient a print-out describing their most recent consultation, including test results and medication information.

With the full diabetes journal in CSO/Diabetes, users can generate reports containing any combination or all of the treatment information that is registered in the system for a variety of purposes, including gaining an overview, monitoring quality and research.

RKKP Registry

In the simple version, the only information that is registered is the data that must be reported to DVDD for each patient.

The system remembers the most recently registered values, so it is only necessary to register changes in connection with each patient consultation.

Test results and medication information can be obtained automatically, further reducing the time spent on data entry.
It is still possible to obtain an overview of the patients’ course of treatment and indicator follow-up in relation to DVDD at both individual and population level. DVDD på både individ- og populationsniveau.

For more information, please feel free to contact us at tel. +45 7022 6260 or sales@intramed.dk